Sunday, September 13, 2009

Keepin' it Real (1956 Real)

Well, today's Detroit Free Press had a feature article by John Gallagher in the News+Views Section regarding the exploration of Michigan's great architecture. Part of the writeup included a "Michigan's Top 10 Architectural Gems" lineup (always gotta have a "Top 10" - right?)

After a quick browse through the list, I noticed that a historic preservation project that we worked on was plugged in at #7 (oddly enough, it was #3 in the web gallery).

Quite a bit of effort went into making sure that the items that we built & refurbished were spot-on to the original decor designed by Mr. Saarinen. Now, I'm not going to argue whether the GM Tech Center deserves that spot or not. Still, it's pretty neat to see our historic preservation project in the news!

Here's a link to the Project with images and a video.

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